what a cold blooded police

Education 11:39 PM |

a senior police officer has said that we have to be  cold blooded cops in the office so two police officer while going out side for investigation one officer was late and when come, he was shaking  so
 1 police officer : why are you shaking like that?
 2 police office  : i just come out of fridge!
 1 police officer : what the hell you were doing there?
 2 police officer : aren't you were there while our boss said that we have to be cold blodded cops

                                        save my life
a 25 years old man run very fast to the police station and he says please arrest me. please save my life and police says what happens. first say and we will do what we have to do. well my wife is after me with the gun please save my life. and the police says why is your wife  after you well i have attempt two round fire to her


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